Friday, May 18, 2012

Man in Love Age 72

"Ronny!" called my wife Melanie  from the kitchen where the smell of freshly baked chocolate cookies floated through the air.  I loved her chocolate chip cookies.  She had baked these for our two grandchildren, Jack and Meg, who were coming over to visit later in the day.  They were the son and daughter of my own daughter Kim. I haven't  seen them in over three years because they live so far away.  "Would you like a cookie?  I have to make sure they are perfect for Jack and Meg." chimed Melanie.  "Of course, darling."  I replied, trying not to show how much I truly wanted one.  "The chocolate does some good for these old bones of mine" I chuckled as I began to sink my teeth through the little cookie.  Melanie smiled, I loved her smile. 

Soon the doorbell rang and our little dog, Mandy ran as fast as he could to see who's there.  When Melanie opened the door and let in the children and their parents in, I was waiting for them to come running out to me screaming "Grandpa, Grandpa!" just like the last time they were here, but no one comes.  I hear them slowly enter the door, and wonder what they are doing.  All of a sudden I heard Kim's cry of panic, I heard her husband, Jeff, telling her to be calm, but the only thing that made me move was the cries of the children. I got up from the couch and walked over to the entrance to my old house.  There I found what I had dreaded since the day I met her, there I found Melanie, lifeless.

Meg, the older of the two children seemed to be the only mature one.  She grabbed the phone and dialed 911 while the rest of us stared at Melanie, waiting for her to move.  When the ambulance arrived Melanie was hauled into the vehicle and taken to the hospital.  We all got into the car and headed there too.  All I could think about on our way there was my life without her.  Although I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes, I didn't dare let one slide down my cheek. 

When we finally got to the hospital, I felt like my whole life with Melanie had been played out before me, every moment, every memory, from the day I met her to this very second, everything. As we walked quickly to the waiting area, I felt one little, wet tear make it's way down my wrinkled face, into my empty hand.  I quickly wiped it away, hoping that no one had seen, but someone had seen.  Before I know it Meg's soft little arm is wrapped around me like a warm blanket in the middle of winter.  She whispered to me "Don't worry, it'll be alright."  I moved my gaze down to meet her eyes reflecting the same pain in mine, except a younger pain.  These words from my 9 year old granddaughter were the only thing that could comfort me at the moment.  The problem was nothing could prepare me for what lied ahead.  A nurse came out of Melanie's room, trying to look hopeful, but anyone could tell, there was no hope.  She walked forward and called my name, "Ronald Smith."  I made my way slowly to my tired, old feet and the nurse approached me cautiously.  I wondered what she had to say, I wondered what was wrong with Melanie, I wondered why she had chosen me from the rest.  The nurse tried to be funny and cheerful, but there was something that she couldn't hide from me, that she couldn't hide from any of us.  Finally, she realized that she was going to just have to tell us.  She took a deep breath and said the words that I remember all to clearly.

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