Monday, June 3, 2013

A Lesson Taught By Tragedies

Tragedies.  They are unexpected and devastating.  But we never think they will happen to us.  We hear about them every day on the news.  About how those people just went to work and the next thing they knew, plane was crashing through the building.  Or, how those children just went to school ready for another average day, when some of them, watched their friends be shot dead.  But the parents of the kids who died never could have guessed that by sending their child to school that day, would be the last time they saw their child’s precious smile, or little feet that carried them into the death trap.  They never would have guessed that this tragedy could happen to them.
It’s not fair.  It’s not fair that some people have to suffer more pain than others.  But that’s the way life is; not fair.  All the pain that ended lives, never died.  Instead, it haunted every person who ever knew the victim.  It drags the tears down their face, it rips their heart to shreds.  But there is no way to avoid them.  No way to protect yourself from all harm.  No way to be certain that a tragedy won’t happen to you.

What would our life be without tragedies?  Everyone would think it would be better.  Yet, tragedies teach us things we could not learn without them.  We take everything for granted and without tragedies, we would never learn to love the ordinary.  To realize how blessed we really are.   That everything we have is good.  That we get to be around the people we love, and we better love them while we can because tragedies don’t have mercy for anyone; not even innocent children who just went to school like any other day.