Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Forward She Went

Author's Note: I wrote this piece to demonstrate my understanding of word choice and context.  In this piece, the different elements of word choice I used, such as similes, symbolism, and onomatopoeia, helped create the mood of the piece by giving the reader something to relate to.  For example, not everyone has "looked death in the eye," however, there is a greater number of people who have at one point in their life been afraid or interested in monsters.  It makes the piece easier to relate to.  Another example is when I used the onomatopoeia "Thump. Thump."  There are a lot of places that people could have heard that sound, but if you read my piece you will find out that in this "thump" is referring to the sound feet make as they walk clumsily in silence.  Hope you enjoy!

The dark alley slowly started to get smaller and smaller.  What little light remained, was dissolving faster than she could move.   She walked, forward, not a doubt in her mind.  But her mind was wrong.  Her mind had not a sliver of sense.  She continued, forward.  Down the alley she went.  One step at a time.  Thump. Thump.  Her feet carried her into the darkness.  She knew not where she was going, but had faith.  She had faith that things would be better this way,  everything would hurt less this way.  A cool, brisk wind tried fiercely to hold her back, but she had to keep going, forward.  She walked until death was looking her in the eyes like the monster it was; but she was not afraid.  She walked until she could see nothing.  She walked until she could hear nothing but her own two feet and the beating of her heart.  Then, she stopped.  She stopped moving forward.  She stood still for what seemed longer than an eternity.  She stood until she saw a glimpse of light. It began to grow.  Bigger and bigger, faster and faster it came. One step, one step she took forward.  One step forward into the light. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like it. I felt like I was there and could picture everything and I don't know why but it kept me hooked (:
