Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Unhealthy Favorite

Author's mote: I wrote this essay to inform people about how unhealthy soda really is.  Most people know that it is unhealthy, but they usually don't know exactly how unhealthy soda really is, especially if you drink it often.
Back in 1767, Dr. Joseph Priestly invented what we call soda. Everyone loved and continues to love his carbonated drink, even though it is unhealthy. Soda is very unhealthy for multiple reasons that most people don't even know. Everyone knows that soda is bad for you, but what they don't know is how unhealthy it really is.
First, it will take calcium from your bones.  Calcium is known for strengthening your bones, but it does much more too. For example, it helps prevent arthritis, high blood pressure and colon cancer.  It also helps contract your muscles and send messages from your brain to your nerves.
Researchers say that drinking soda can increase the chance of becoming obese by 1.6 percent.  Being obese is an unhealthy life style and more people become overweight every day. Being obese could give you heart problems, joint problems, and puts you at risk for type 2 diabetes.  All of these things could ruin your life, all because you drank a little too much soda.
There is also caffeine in these irresistible drinks. Caffeine may seem like an energy boost, and it is, but while it is boosting your energy it can be doing harmful things to your body. For instance, it can force the rate your heart beat to go up and that forces your heart to work harder.  It can also make you feel jumpy or nervous and your hand may begin to shake if you have too much.
Even though soda may taste good, it is terrible for your health.  It is okay to have soda once in a while, but not very often because as you can see, it is obviously very unhealthy. The unfortunate part about soda is that there are very few people that know how unhealthy soda really is for you.

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