Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

Author’s Note: Everyone is proud of their country for different reasons. This essay expresses why I am proud of my stunning country, the United States of America.

Why are people proud of their country? Some people might say it’s because of the brilliant athletes or the outstanding singers, while others are proud of their country for the things we have gained, such as freedom and noble veterans. These brave veterans have fought at home and in foreign lands for the sake of our freedom and the freedom of others. I, along with many other American citizens, am unquestionably proud of my country.

What if we didn’t have these soldiers to protect us? We'd have a awfully harsh life. Can you imagine how many attacks would be planned against us?  Unfortunately, some countries are like that.  They have no money and depend on something as simple as nature to provide food, water, shelter and many other necessities. Still even though these people are so poor and have barely anything, they still are attacked.  Luckily, the United States is there to help protect them.

Our soldiers have fought for us and for others all over the world, but what does it really take to be a soldier?  For one thing, you have to be brave because I am sure that it would be bloodcurdling having bullets coming at you quicker than you can even think of reacting. Those who survive the cruel wars are grateful yet devastated because even though they survived, they were forced to watch some of their friends die . Another quality of a soldier includes pride because if a soldier doesn't have pride they wouldn't go and risk their lives for their country.  These are the traits of a hero. How would it feel to know that the reason someone is living out their dreams because you saved their life? I don't know what it feels like to be the hero nor the victim, but some people do know the joy of being saved or saving someone.

We have a remarkable country.  Therefore, I am extremely proud of my astounding country, the United States of America. Everyone should know just how lucky we are to have such an incredible country.

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